Friday 9 August 2013

Pharmacy Collision Course

Pharmacy in the UK is headed for a direct collision course with GPs in provision of service and supply to the NHS. Pharmacy is starting to realise that the added value of putting labels on boxes does not have the same worth to the NHS that it used to. Everyone knows the NHS is crumbling, too little money is chasing an ever expanding population with ever expanding ailments. Companies like BUPA are reaping the benefits from patients that are starting to realise maybe they shouldn't wait 2 months for an appointment due to blood in their stools and can afford to pay £800 a year so they can go private and be seen right away.

The three biggest organisations in the world in order:

  1. The Indian Army
  2. WalMart USA
  3. NHS England
The equality of the NHS cannot be knocked, we have a National provision of healthcare which means that irrelevant of whether you are poor or rich you will get the care that you need. It may be that this care is substandard but patients will get the required care eventually.

However, what patients crave is choice. To deny this is inexcusable. The direction the NHS should head down is realise that they cannot cater for everyone, they should open their doors to other qualified regulated providers, whilst ensuring the maintenance of clinical standards and quality within the private sector.

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